Sunday, December 21, 2014

Spanish-American War Cartoons

The Spanish-American War (1898) was a conflict between the U.S. and Spain that ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and resulted in the United States aquisition of territories in the western Pacific and Latin America. At that time of conflicts, some wars were being influenced by propagandas and yellow journalism. Propaganda is a type of communication that is focused on influenced in the opinion of the reader toward a cause or position. Yellow journalism was a style of  newspaper reporting that emphasized sentionalism over facts. The yellow journalism at the time would be: the New York World and the New York Journal. They were one of many resons that helped the U.S. and Spain into war in Cuba and the Philippines.

 Political cartoons published  during the Spansh-American War:

"Remember the Maine". The Yellow press wanted to influence the U.S. to go into war with Spain because of the explosion that happend with the country's battleship.

President Mckinley trying to contain war pressure

A bald eagle extending its wings over the United States empire

Saturday, December 13, 2014


 The Progressive Era was a time in American history in which social activism and political reform was taking over the country during the years of 1890s to 1920s. Muckrakers were very important during this time because they were journalist who worked to expose waste, corruption or abuse in politics,industry and society
Some of the most important muckrakers were:

Samuel Hopkins Adams:  He wrote The American Fraud in 1905. Adams focused on exposing the frauds in the patent medicines.
The Great American Fraud book
Jacob Riis: The Other Half Lives. Riis managed to expose the slums present in the urban cities.
How the Other Half Lives

 Uptain Sinclair: Wrote the book named The Jungle. He exposed the U.S. meat-packing industry.

                                                        The Jungle book

Ida M. Tarbell was known for exposing the corruptions in the Standard Oil Company. She also wrote the book The History of Standard Oil Company.
The History of Standard Oil Company 
John Spargo was an American reformer and author, he wrote The Bitter Cry of Chidren (child children). He was responsible for the exposure of child labor.

The Bitter Cry of the Children

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Thanksgiving holiday makes me reflect on everything that I have in life, and on how I’m thankful for everything that my father and God have provided me! I’m incredibly thankful for the life I have, for the house I live in and for the food that I eat every day. I’m also thankful for living in a country like the U.S. that provides me with security, education and freedom!

Statue of Liberty

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Massachusetts electoral votes in:

 1876- Republican Party 

 1880- Republican Party

 1884- Republican Party

 1888- Republican Party

The majority of New England did vote as a bloc in the years of 1876, 1880, 1884 and 1888. However, there was an exception to the state of Connecticut, whose votes were only directed to the Republican's in the election of 1880.

Massachusetts electoral votes on the years of:

2008- Democratic Party

2012- Democratic Party

 There is a significant difference between the elections of the 1800s to the ones in the 2000s, In the 1800 we could notice that the state of  Massachusetts voted in for consecutive years in the Republican Party. After all, in the 2000s election there was a change in votes directed to the Democrats. There is also an interesting fact: the majority of the states of New England all voted for the same party in the same years. Another interesting fact is that every party that the region of New England votes for, is the one that ends up wining the election.
Elections of 2012

Oil Boom

Oil locations in the U.S.

Process of mining for oil
Process of drilling oil

  The short term impacts of oil after the  Hamill brothers drilled for the black gold in the American territory,  was that the price of the oil became cheaper and cars were produced in mass. Oil was so important that it provided fuel. Fuel would be the newest resource to enable Henry Ford develop affordable cars for people to buy. Oil was essential in the process of building the modern world.

Henry Ford's assembly line

Ford's first model car- Model T

Oil is one of the reasons to why we have grown so much in industrialization, which leads to a growth in the economy. Transportation would be somewhat impossible without the discovery of oil, and it also provides us with home heat, which is inevitable for those who live up north.

U.S. Oil Consumption

Top 10 importers of oil of the world

Did you know oil is used to make these products too?

Plastic Wood
Toilet Seats

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Election Day

Election Day takes place on the Tuesday right after the first Monday in November. There is not a specific day for this date, however, the earliest day is November 2 and the latest possible is November 8. 

Election Day is a civic holiday in states such as Delaware, Hawaii, Kentucky, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, and West Virginia.

The reason to why Election Day is held on a Tuesdays lies on 19th-century America. In the 1800s, most Americans worked as farmer and lived far away from their polling location. So Congress decided to establish the voting day on Tuesday due to the fact that weekends were impossible for the farmers to travel because of church and other duties. Wednesdays were also impractical because it was market day for the farmers. This means that the only option Congress had was to set Election Day on a Tuesday.

                                                 United States House of Representatives
  Niki Tsongas.- Democratic

Niki Tsongas

MA’s 3rd district that Niki Tsongas represents

                                                              United States Senators
1) One of MA's senators is Edward Markey, he is a member of the Democratic Party.
2) Another senator of Massachusetts is Elizabeth Warren, she is part of the Democratic Party.

                                               Massachusetts House of Representatives
1) David M. Nangle. Belongs to the Democratic Party.
2) Eileen M. Donoghue. Belongs to the Democratic Party.

The three branches of the Federal Government: 


The flag of the state of Massachusetts

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Cities blog


                                                  Developments, Innovations and Advancements:
1- Statue of liberty was created in Paris, France. It was brought to the U.S. in pieces and restored by workers.
2- Bessemer process was invented to produce steel in mass. This innovation would be the first inexpensive way to create steel from molten pig iron. It was named after its creator: Henry Bessemer.
  3- Skyscraper were beginning to appear in the early 20th century in Manhattan, NY, after the creation of the Bessemer process.

                                                             Obstacles and Challenges:

1-The Statue of Liberty was designed in Paris by French historian Edouard de Laboulaye. The statue was a gift from France to the U.S. But this gift had a significant price and the value issued was not in the budget of the American country. So the American government began to collect money by raising taxes
2- After the invention of steel in mass, thousands of people began moving to New York. Urban population was starting to be saturated and there wasn’t about enough space for everyone, therefore, hundreds of people were cramped together in tenement houses with small rooms and no ventilation or light.
3- Skyscraper were taking over the city of New York and workers needed to put their life in danger to construct the tall buildings, in account of the lack of safety equipment.