Sunday, December 21, 2014

Spanish-American War Cartoons

The Spanish-American War (1898) was a conflict between the U.S. and Spain that ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and resulted in the United States aquisition of territories in the western Pacific and Latin America. At that time of conflicts, some wars were being influenced by propagandas and yellow journalism. Propaganda is a type of communication that is focused on influenced in the opinion of the reader toward a cause or position. Yellow journalism was a style of  newspaper reporting that emphasized sentionalism over facts. The yellow journalism at the time would be: the New York World and the New York Journal. They were one of many resons that helped the U.S. and Spain into war in Cuba and the Philippines.

 Political cartoons published  during the Spansh-American War:

"Remember the Maine". The Yellow press wanted to influence the U.S. to go into war with Spain because of the explosion that happend with the country's battleship.

President Mckinley trying to contain war pressure

A bald eagle extending its wings over the United States empire

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